Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday | Dinner at 6:30pm • Meetings at 7:30pm
2018 Events
North Star Brothers volunteering at Feeding South Florida Christmas morning
North Star Brothers volunteering at Feeding South Florida Christmas morning
North Star Brothers volunteering at Feeding South Florida Christmas morning
North Star Brothers volunteering at Feeding South Florida Christmas morning
North Star Brothers volunteering at Feeding South Florida Christmas morning
North Star Brothers volunteering at Feeding South Florida Christmas morning
North Star Brothers volunteering at Feeding South Florida Christmas morning
North Star Lodge Brothers joining in degree work with Eureka-North Shore Lodge Brothers
Dinner with Brothers, friends and family at local German restaurant. (1)
Dinner with Brothers, friends and family at local German restaurant. (2)
North Star Lodge’s Inaugural Lual Party (September 2018)
Delicious food…
Brothers and families starting to show
North Star’s JW and J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge WM, pre-party time.
The room is starting to fill!
Over 50 in attendance!!!
The dancefloor is hot!
Dancing and mingling!
WMs, SWs and our Sec’y doing a little YMCAing
A few photos from our photobooth of Brothers and family going crazy!
WM and SS post party counting money destined for the Grand Master’s charity!
MW Grand Master, author and North Star PM attending a lecture in Boyton Beach Lodge (2018)
North Star Lodge Brothers working with Eureka-North Shore Lodge for a MM Degree (2018)
Miami Scottish Rite hosting 2018 sitting District 26 sitting WMs
2018 North Star EA Degree joined by several visitors
Special guest past Grand Master of New Jersey
Newest EA with our Senior Deacon
WM presenting a Lodge pin to visiting Brother
of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon Palm Beach Chapter #113, including the Grand Tall Cedar, presented us with a little about this appendant body and their charity.
Brothers of North Star Lodge volunteering at Feeding South Florida (2018)
Brothers of North Star Lodge volunteering at Feeding South Florida (2018)
Members of the Guardian Angels and Junior Guardian Angels visited North Star Lodge to discuss about volunteering and their organization.
Lodge Dinner at 2018 Annual Grand Communication
WMs of North Broward, Doric and North Star Lodges, respectively after PM Degree.
District 26 WMs following PM Degree (2018)
District 26 sitting WM with MW Grand Master of Florida
North Star’s WM with Oleeta West Dade Lodge WM
North Star Brothers and wives after the formal gala.
Diamonds and Gold Gala (2018)
Westside Chapter DeMolay Boys teaching us about their history and answering our questions before a Stated Communication.Rainbow Girls Hollywood #12 with a recent visit to our Lodge, including Florida’s Grand Worthy Adviser, promoting “Hearts on Fire”!
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